August 3, 2023

Case Study: How ‘Just Send It to CleverPak’ Saved a Business from Operational Overload

In the face of operational challenges, a mid-sized business in the health and wellness industry transformed their operations by entrusting CleverPak with their assembly, packing, and labelling tasks. The result was improved operational efficiency, product consistency, and waste reduction, demonstrating CleverPak's value in helping businesses navigate complexities while adhering to their sustainability commitments.

At CleverPak, we’ve observed an intriguing and powerful trend among our clients: they’re discovering a sense of relief and confidence in a simple strategy, ‘Just send it to CleverPak.’

But what exactly happens when you entrust us with your products, materials, and instructions for tasks ranging from sorting and labelling to complex repairs and reworks?

Today, we’re going to pull back the curtain and take you on a behind-the-scenes journey through the operations at CleverPak.

The Challenge

Committed to sustainability and quality, the business was grappling with the delicate task of maintaining efficient operations without compromising its eco-friendly standards. Their diverse product line included items like organic soaps, natural deodorants, biodegradable toothbrushes, and sustainable hair care products. The assembly of these products required precise coordination and meticulous handling to ensure quality and consistency.

Furthermore, they faced challenges in packing and labelling processes. Adhering to stringent environmental guidelines meant they needed to use minimal, recyclable packaging and clear, accurate labels. Managing these complex processes was turning into an operational hurdle, distracting the business from focusing on its core mission: creating excellent eco-friendly personal care products.

The CleverPak Solution

The phrase ‘Just Send It to CleverPak’ marked a turning point for the business. By entrusting their products and detailed instructions to CleverPak, they discovered a new level of operational efficiency and reliability. They found that CleverPak’s commitment to quality control and precision didn’t just meet their needs—it was in perfect alignment with their values.

CleverPak took over the assembly of their diverse product line. Regardless of whether it was organic soap or biodegradable toothbrushes, each item was assembled with meticulous precision and care. The same level of dedication was applied to the packing and labelling processes. CleverPak ensured all products were securely packaged with minimal and recyclable materials, and accurately labelled as per the business’s strict eco-friendly guidelines.

The Results

The transformation in the business operations was palpable. By deciding to ‘Just Send It to CleverPak,’ they significantly improved their operational efficiency. They reported that they could redirect resources and attention to their core competencies—developing and innovating high-quality, eco-friendly personal care products—while CleverPak handled the complexities of assembly, packing, and labelling.

The positive impact extended beyond mere operational efficiency. The business reported noticeable improvement in product consistency and a marked reduction in waste, contributing to their sustainability goals. Moreover, the peace of mind that came with knowing their operations were in capable hands with CleverPak was invaluable. They had found a partner who understood their commitment to quality and the environment.


From grappling with operational challenges to discovering the ease of ‘Just Send It to CleverPak,’ the journey of this health and wellness business is a testament to the difference CleverPak can make. This business, like many others, sought a balance between operational efficiency and commitment to their values. By entrusting their assembly, packing, and labelling tasks to CleverPak, they found a solution that not only streamlined their operations but also synergised with their commitment to sustainability. Their story underscores the value of CleverPak’s services in helping businesses navigate operational complexities while staying true to their values.